Core Coaching Academy

Signature Systems

The Truth About Your Secret Sauce

Kevin Pedrey


You don’t have to have a Signature System to be an effective coach or consultant — but it does help. You see, there are going to be a ton of coaches and consultants in your market and in the online space. In order to help your prospects, figure out if they should use their service or your service, it is helpful to show them the step by step process that you use to get them results.

All in all, our goal in providing services to clients is to help them get a solution to a problem they are facing. There are many individuals and companies out there competing for the exact same audience. So, it is important that you have a “USP” — a unique selling proposition. You will hear those of us in the entrepreneur space call this a USP, a signature system or program, or a secret sauce. Just know it all means the same thing. What do you do that is going to get the results in a way that is unique or better than their other choices?

So, what is a signature system anyway? In the simplest terms is the unique set of steps you will take to help them get a consistent result. Sometimes it might be your unique framework or blueprint. It might be the unique way you help them get results faster.

The easiest way to figure out your signature system is to think about an event that caused you the same problem you are trying to fix for your clients. Then think of the journey from that problem to the solution. The unique steps you took from the problem to the solution is your signature system.

For example, in the software development world, you hear people talk about the SDLC or the software development lifecycle. All in all, this is essentially the same. You start with discovery, then design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. You will see testing called a lot of things — unit testing, system testing, or integration testing. The process for new product development in software isn’t really that unique — expect every consultant that helps with software development will give you “their version” or “their secret sauce” that helps you get from product idea to product in the market. This is the exact thing we are talking about.

Consider what your process is and then write it down. Once you write it down, think of a clever way to package the message. While it sounds super simple, it isn’t always easy.

If you are struggling with how to find your signature system, we invite you to consider reaching out at or and we can help you brainstorm a solution.

Consider tuning into the Core Coaching — RAW podcast to learn more about our take on lead generation here:

Originally published at on November 11, 2020.

